Monday, October 28, 2013

Family, community, unique and local

It's been here since the 1930's but only since the Sexton brothers purchased the Centre in 1994 did the dream/plan to create a green space unfold.  The courtyard became a vision of Geoff, Peter and Bill's when deciding to turn the old flat into shop space.  Originally the current courtyard area was about a metre lower and was grass, behind a old timber fence.  With the boys plan the area was built up and paved.  One original item, probably 30 years old, is the beautiful Camellia tree, sitting as the pride of the place.  Karen fusses over it and tries to ensure that it continues to thrive and survive. 
The old corner store was attached to the flat because the flat was originally built to home the founding family's son after he came back from the war.  The founding family the Andronicus's owned and operated the corner store and Iris Andronicus still lives locally and visits the shops.  It was a mix of grocery, vegetables, haberdashery and hardware items. Many of the older residents from the original Taringa homesteads, remember the Shop as the Pauls Milk Depot.

It has been nearly 20 years since the Sexton brothers purchased the Centre and it is now owned solely by Geoff and Karen.   Geoff loves the garden, his Laundromat and the community feel of the Centre.  You will find him out there most Sundays or Mondays, mowing the lawn, gardening, painting and pottering about.  Peter still works out the back from the shed, repairing washing machines like his Dad, Max Sexton.  Max lived in Gladstone Street and raised the family in the Indooroopilly - Taringa area, operating 'Sextons Washing Machine Repairs'.  Geoff has memories of coming down to the Centre with his Mum, Thelma to visit the butcher that was located where Pampered Pets is now.  Geoff and Karen have lived in the area on and off since 1998, in Broomfield Street, Stanley Street and Waverley Road.  Sister Jenny and her family still lives at the family home in Gladstone Street.  And all the Sexton kids went to Indooroopilly State School too. 

So, the family feel, the community hub and the future of Hillsdon Road Centre is firmly part of our family future.  We hope this little secret space continues to bring the local residents an enjoyable green space, great facilities and convenience away from the busy Indooroopilly Shoppingtown and Moggill Road.  We will continue to maintain the heritage of the corner store, that is Commercial Character listed and keep that beautiful unique green space of the Courtyard there for you all.  We believe there is a future in Town Planning for these truly *local* shopping hubs and that although Brisbane City Council tends to forget about us, re zone us and sometimes make it difficult for the business owners to grow and be successful.  We love our little Centre and will do our best to keep it local and friendly.

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